Saturday, 9 July 2011

Strange behaviour

It is almost 11.30pm and I have just returned from my jog. The reason I run so late is that it is impossible to run earlier than this. The humidity is chronic. I am dripping and have my clothing sticking to me even when I run at 11.30pm!! This heat is diabolical. Anyhow, as I was running back to the block of flats I stay in, I noticed an elderly couple (in their underwear), standing on their balcony, hanging clothing on the washline which hangs from their balcony. I was quite shocked. I can imagine a young guy in boxer shorts or a young girl in her panties hanging washing off the balcony but not elderly people!! They are usually very shy about their bodies. That image spurred me to action for this posting. I am going to write about some of the strange behaviour I have seen in this city - and which has stuck in my mind. Just this morning I was walking to the nearby mall. As I walked I noticed a pretty young Latino woman with her breasts out. She was singing to a baby that was suckling on her breast. I could not believe how confident she was, to just open up on a bench in the street and let the baby feed. She was not self conscious at all. I took a moment to process what I saw, and she just kept singing to the feeding baby! Yesterday I was siting on a public bus, travelling up to the nearest metro station. On my left was a middle aged Latino guy. In front of me was a young Chinese guy. The Latino guy blew his nose on a tissue and then wanted to throw the tissue out the window. He could not open the window next to his seat so he rolled the tissue into a ball and threw it at the open window on the other side of the bus (the side I was sitting on). The tissue ball missed the window opening and hit the Chinese guy in front of me! The Chinese guy was sitting so quietly and minding his own business. The next thing he knew, he had this used tissue on his lap. I don't think he even knew where it come from. He was flustered by this and shook his head in disbelief before throwing it out the window!! Then I have seen some other really funky stuff. A few times over. I have seen several young couples lying on benches or sitting on the metro and fiddling with each other. I have seen some couples picking at each other's scalps and fishing out dandruff or whatever is in there. One girl I saw, was squeezing the spots on her boyfriend's face. Charming. I could not imagine wanting to handle someone else's dandruff  !! Nasty stuff. I also notice that people here do not have a perception of space which I am used to. When on buses or in queues they will stand right up on top of you, touching you. It gets to me! Especially when the person is perspiring heavily or has garlic on the breath. I have begun to wonder if a school teaching etiquette will be a hit here. Probably not, as the they would not pay to attend classes...
The flats I stay in, with balconies!

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