Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Meeting other people

It is interesting meeting people in foreign places. I have met so many people from all corners of the world. Many of them are intensely interested when I tell them I am from South Africa. They show such interest and intrigue in the place. I find that most of the Spanish people cannot distinguish a South African accent from accents of other English speaking countries. Most Spanish people often think I am English – probably just because I am an English speaker. When I say that I am South African many have said “Wow, that's great or That's amazing”. I even had one Spanish guy tell me that it is so important that people like me come to Spain and he thanked me!! He thinks it is important for Spanish people to be exposed to other languages and cultures. So hospitable. It is amazing to hear what people think of South Africa. I have also met people who think South Africa is this exotic place (like traditional Africa is shown to be). I have to tell them that South Africa is the exception. It is not just plain traditional Africa. I feel compelled to tell people that South Africa is a very modern country with roads, airports, modern buildings, electricity, running water and modern infrastructure. Many are surprised. Some people are disappointed when I tell them that life in South African cities is often more advanced than life in a European city. Most European cities are so old and are historical – by comparison. Then I meet people who are totally unaware of what life in Africa is like. They think it is like living the role of Mogli in the Jungle book and love the idea of freedom and nature.

The worst I have found is when I meet people – usually nationals from other English speaking countries, who know South Africa better than South Africans. I spoke to an American guy who had done a degree in developmental studies. He knew Africa and the solutions to Africa's problems inside out, better than a professor. He knew of Julius Malema and what Malema is doing and saying. He said the Malema was crazy but then he said that South Africans are the most racist people in the world! I was appalled by the arrogance, ignorance and bigotry which he displayed. He had an answer to everything and knew Africa “intimately”. He has never been there and doesn't know the unique nature of the African way or the psyche of the African people. I was shocked how he suggested and believed in text book solutions to Africa's problems. People critiquing Africa always seem to do it from a Western point of view and have no understanding of the real situation and that Africa has its own culture, ideologies and values.

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