Friday, 18 November 2011

Final day in Barcelona

Today was my final day in Barcelona. There was much to do and it was an emotional end to my 7 month stay in this city which I have loved and hated. I made a final trip to Gran Via 2 Shopping mall to buy some things which I wanted to take home as they are cheaper here or not available there. My American flatmate has a visitor from Russia at the moment so there are 4 of us in the flat. Daniel is at work - as usual. Leon, Inga and I walked to the mall then we came back and Inga made a delicious lunch. I enjoy Inga. She is mature and very balanced. Leon certainly seems to have choice lady friends/visitors. They are all older than him! Rosa was going to come over to say farewell and have lunch but in the end she did not make it. I will have to post a message on facebook to say farewell.

Then I began my mad rush to deliver things I promised to people and to say my final goodbyes. First was Connie - who taught me Spanish in the very beginning. Then to Zaida - to deliver the director's chair. Then to see Leila - to hand over Spanish learning materials and other odds and ends. Then to my mom for dinner. It has been a hectic afternoon and an emotional day saying goodbye to so many people who I have shared the past few months with. I really have enjoyed the openness and the ease at which my friendships were formed here in Barcelona. The friends I made were great people who were very easy to get along with and who valued me and what I am as a person - not what things I have. That is one great things about Spain. People do not like you for your possessions. In many other places friendships are formed if you fit the mould of the type of person that is acceptable in the eyes of other people. Here in Spain people are far less judgmental and are more accepting.

And then home to continue my packing and get final arrangements done. I have packed and repacked the bags several times in order to get more into them. I have finally fit most things in... There are a few things I will have to leave behind. I took a final run at midnight. I ran up to the castle on the top of MontJuic and looked down onto the harbour below and the Mediterranean Sea. It is a great place and with inspiring views. That was my last run in this city. I enjoyed ending the day with a nostalgic run!

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