Thursday, 22 September 2011

Festival La Merce

This evening the Festival of La Merce kicked off with its official festivities. This festival is to honour the Saint Merce who is the saint of Barcelona. This evening at 7.45pm I went to Plaza Sant Jaume where there was a huge a gathering of people, a stage and a big screen. After the babble from the Mayor or whoever he was, the band fired up and the festivities began. Police moved into the square and cleared people out of the way - for the gigantes and cabezudos (the giants and big heads).

The giants dance in the square

Once the people had been cleared and a pathway was made, the giants (3 to 4 meter tall, hollow papier mache figures) and the big heads (smaller papier mache figures which are worn on the heads of the performers) came out to parade in the square. The gigantes are very impressive. They are huge and tower over the crowds. You can see them wherever they are in the square as they are so tall. The cabezudos are not as visible once they pass by, as they are shorter and cannot be seen over the crowds. The procession makes its way through the square to the sounds of music. The giants dance and do twirls etc. It was most impressive. They appear to actually dance with each other. The big heads also did some dances. There were also some animal figures - amongst them, a dragon who blows smoke out of its nostrils! It was all very well organised and executed so professionally.

Giants tower above everyone in the square

There were fireworks and the firing of old musket guns as well. The crowds in the square seemed to be mainly tourists. I think this festival attracts many people from other places. As I watched, I could hear so many other  English speakers around me - Americans, British, Australians. I heard no South Africans... Not unusual though. I don't think South Africans can afford to travel much any more. The way our currency is devaluing, we will not be able to go anywhere soon ...

Giants and big heads with their wearers/carriers.
Ps. These pictures are not from this evening. My camera is not the best at night. And these pictures do not show the crowds of spectators that were present tonight.

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